Lead Service Line Inventory

Adams County Regional Water District Customer Service Line Inventory

Why should I fill this survey out?

This survey was created to allow ACRWD water customers to determine the material of their water service lines. The results of the survey are dependent on the accuracy of the data filled out, and are not guaranteed by ACRWD. Filling out this survey will allow ACRWD to submit the required service line inventory to the EPA, save staff time, minimize their entry into homes, and keep costs lower. This data will be used to satisfy the U.S. EPA's lead and copper rule revisions, which became effective in December, 2021. One of the requirements of this revision is that all water utilities record the material of the customer water service lines. Filling out this survey will allow ACRWD to submit the required service line inventory to the EPA.

You can access the survey by scanning the QR code or by clicking the link below.

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